
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Athletics day 2nd high jump success

I was supposed to get 3rd place in high jump and this picture looks funny my eyes always tend to close when i look at a phone when someone is taking a picture.LMAO! face


Monday, November 30, 2020


 THE SLJ IS A FUN WAY TO LEAN WHILE AT HOME!What i have been doing wasn't part of slj but is.The real start is explorers.An navigation activity for week one for december.So if SLJ Sees this......Don't tell me i'm so wrong....PLEASE!So as i was saying that i might blog on the explorers early but there might be a chance.WRite in the comments if you will like to see that!Bye everyone..... 

SLJ (update) The early start

 Would you believe me if i told you this picture is real but from google.

put your answer in the comments and the last post will give you a clue.Of how i got it and what i will do.Up to you.This ain't from a coloring book i promise!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Awesome sportsmanship


Why soccer is one of the best sports games


SLJ The early start

 As we all know the SLJ is summer learning journey and we all know it is fun.We got to to start early and it feels embarrassing if one of the hosts sees this.>_<.Anyway this activity was a coloring book and i have created a midnight wave.Please don't laugh at me.>_<........

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Kiwi-Can update


I totally look so sad out of my friends...SO this game we had to sort  out our sentences to make one whole story..That didn't go well.Instead we had the titles so we put them down like reuse and put things that you can reuse like...Batteries.This was fun for some people because some wanted to play like a moving game where you tag or be chased around.That didn't happen but we got to play GKQ at the end.I had to lose to Aleki.If you see this Aleki gg.

Friday, November 20, 2020



Who's there?

  • Where is this? Is it underground or above ground? Has it always been this way?:The beast is in front of me with some sort of mask.The underworld wouldn’t have a big giant creature to attack us!This has always been this way since we came here.He is hunting going to kill us….

  • Describe the monster. Consider its size, shape, the light in its face and how it moves. How does it communicate? What is it.The monster is humongous in size so he will crush us if seen.He has spikes coming from his back the shape of a square cone.His mask lets out an eternal red hot fire and the stomps set us flying so we can’t hurt it with water nor nothing.

  • Where did the monster come from? Does it live here?Well the monster is from the underworld full of demons and death and it does live here as he is a part of the underworld.

  • Did the people in front of the monster come here looking for it?We were given a quest to slay the beast so I can become king and my partner becomes queen.We only had iron swords so we were dead…..

  • Why do they have swords? Are they ordinary swords?Yes we had swords but then as we got close to the beast the swords turned to water so we had a big chance to still die but get a hit on him at the same time.

  • What do you think could happen next? What is the most likely choice?Well we slayed the beast luckily but i thought we would be slayed by whips but we were ok.Phew.



The story……….We were given a quest to slay a big beast and our reward was to rule the kingdom so we had set out to the underworld?This was strange as it felt like a contract to death you know?Anyway we set out to the underworld through a portal then we came to a cave where my partner was.WE had iron swords and armor to be safe.We went through gusting wind and i don’t know why.Why?We found a beast with whips so we freaked out and we hid.The beast walked up and attacked.We grabbed out water swords?And one shotted the beast?So after we just ruled the kingdom?OK!   

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Friday, November 13, 2020

The Manaiakalani film festival bus


Well this is a bus ride we took and i am all the way at the back.The long hair boy.No bush ok.So we took a really long trip and i did not expect that.WE usually take 4 minutes from my house.IDK!This was fun though cause we sang and we talked loudly.

This was a fun time when we went home because we all had a fun time watching other schools movies.Except for some people.


Tug Of War/TOW

Some might say oh....It is tug of war....They look like they are having fun.But this was a special type because it was us vs the saint kents and pretty much we won.20 strong muscles vs 30.No problemo.

So we see that i with that blue round hat is on their team.It was hard because the rope hurts your hand.This is a sigh.It was fun though.Gg.



Thursday, November 5, 2020


The info is in here ;)

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Toitoi Reading


I'd like to day thank you to the toitoi people  for joining us on the toitoi reading adventure.It has been fun with them over the years and they will not be forgotten.That might look like a small chrome book but Nathan can see us.We are group 4 on Willies Chromebook. Thank you toitoi!😀😁😊

Music with Mrs. Mitchel


I am at the back and music with our recorders was really fun on Tuesday.Too bad that it is the last week till the two week holiday.We played lot's of songs also played by recorders!WOW!We all were new at the beginning with the b note now we have learned b,a,g and e.Looks like bag doesn't it.

 I am sad it had to come to a end. Thank you!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Maori language week/Kahoot!


We all played kahoot for Maori language and to test how good we all knew our commands that we learned.This was a fun way to get into the week. 

Reading with room5


This is my little sister and the only one.She is in oranges and she is good at reading.She sometimes looks away and reads to herself.It was really fun with eva cause we get to be together.Nice little mask right?I think so.She looks so cute!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Maori language emoji's


Well how are you gonna see that.Zoom in to see the wonders of my emojis These emojis await your appearance of your face.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Mr botha!(Teacher)

Mr botha is my teacher
Really likes his own class

Becoming the best that comes in mind
Over the top of all
The greatest teacher
Helps me when i am stuck
And he is a great teacher

Thanks Mr. Botha!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Fast Forward Series 6(Not really)

If you are smart and top then this will bee for you.
If you ain't then you can still do it.Beat the top grader!
So :
50+50+100 divide 2 put in angle+5 split in 2 add 90 divide by 6x40.

answer in the next post!

Breaking news

 My teacher wants me to do poems again about everyone i know.Hope you don't mind.If you want it to be about you tell me your blog/what school.Bye!Mr. Botha if you see this ones about you.

Monday, August 17, 2020

LIttle Red Riding Hood/Work 4 home learning

 A little girl lived in a village with her mother.She had a red gown with a hood so everyone called her little red riding hood.One day she had to bring some food to grandma because she wasn’t feeling so well and her mum told her to not talk to strangers.She walked out and went to the woods to…….Eat It Herself!She ate bread, she ate the fruit, she ate everything in that single basket!You know what else she did.She put in peanut butter and she put in flowers because she knew grandma is allergic to those.She skipped along with no strangers and gives it to grandma and then she vomits everywhere!She runs homes and gets a smack because of all those crumbs on her face.She got away through.Thee end.Till one day she did it again.And got spanked. 

Monday, July 20, 2020

Fast Forward Series 5

Today's special is how many. NM. This will be short. How many years till 10,987.
There is 8967 years left for that to happen so what do you do.Do the easy math.
Have a nice day at term 2 or 3 at school.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

How many years to infinite.

As you see there is been billions millions of years  but there is actually is no such thing as infinite.If there was then we all will be here to see,All?You ask.Yes the people that died years ago and further.If there is infinite then we all will see.But we die.Yes they can pass it on but it will be forgotten.No proof.How many years?Your life.

posted cause bored.Said = not real.Infinite is true.

Fast Forward Series 4

Math time,
Today is how many hours till 2060
10 leap years.
39 normal years
Add all:17,544
First january.*Dab*

Friday, July 17, 2020

Fast Forward Series 3

Today i will do how many days till 2300.Leap years?
280 leap years.
39x7=273 normal years but it is 299.
Add all=129,445.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Part Of My Book:Xmas.

                     Xmas                                                The beginning of Christmas and my whole family is coming to my house.I think family time sucks cause it’s just talk talk talk with no stop.Well cause the parents.I am Amy,10 years old (maybe that’s why family time is boring) and I love cats.Not till my pesky brother came in.Well no going back.I’ve been thinking *ring*....Nevermind.So my family is finally here to celebrate and talk *sigh*but this is going to be fun hitting my brother in secret.aunt Rose came and uncle Toby.He’s Great.My three cousins in their family (they’re triplets) and they are Eva,Sammy and Loopy (i don't know why) but they are a pain.They all 6 and that is great cause if they were older than me than i’ll be getting smack but instead i can smack them.Well Time to go eat,but first i must hit my brother in secret and all my cousins.”Come to my room sibys!’’while they are coming i’ll just read then i’ll inhale my evil plan on them and probably get in trouble for doing it because one of them is going to tell.Hope not.Oh hey *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack*.Yes!I have done it.I have unleashed the darkness inside me and…. I don’t no smack some peasants?Yes peasants and they were no match for me.I lord Amy will rule the world and conquer the whole entire galaxy but first see you at the table.(First thing i ask myself is is there any Christmas pudding?)(Well I don't know but there is a high chance.)I am at the table all quiet like they are waiting.Do I do something because they are staring at me.Did they tell?Wait, that was day-dreaming so i am ok.They already started and they have the pudding.Dessert first then normal.That’s my rule in this house.Well no one listens to it because that is my rule no one else and i don’t tell anyone to listen to me cause that is my rule and i keep my rule and i always listen to it cause it is mine.10 minutes later of chattering about the rule i have.And it will always it will be mine.Now let get some pudding yay.(All munching away at all the roast,pudding and the veggies).It has been a long day and i will need to finish my dinner early so i will just go to bed.Good night.It’s the next day and I already feel like I am dieing for some reason?I am going to go to the kitchen to have breakfast but first i have to wake up my brother.(off in the distance can be heard smacking noises).Sorry for the noises but it is still the 30th and my aunty has been found on the kitchen floor dead.We have called the police and we all were crying.*crying* and that seems to still be going.Strange,but if it is still the 30th then is it still christmas?Can’t be.Can’t stand the smell of a dead body.Yuck!Well i will have to suffer from the smell cause i have no other choice.What should i have?What is on the menu?Maybe I will have toast,scrambled eggs and a nice hot cocoa.Have they noticed that it is still christmas.Maybe i will go tell my dad.(Everyone is asleep after what happened except my dad).So where is he.(Walks to his room to find something i am satisfied with).(His death).Ahhhhhhhh.*crying*.I just found my dad on the ceiling dead with a knife in his chest.”what’s wrong sweety?”said my mother then it did not go well.I told her what i saw and she sees it too.Everyone gathered around to try find the murderer and take them to jail.We insisted that is was uncle Toby and that he killed aunt Rose and my dad.I don’t know why he would do that but we called the police and Toby was long gone.Like aunt and dad.We decided to go with mum to the mall to keep safe.Even i am scared.Nothing goes so well.Maybe it is karma?Na.”Can i get a teddy to keep me safe?””No!””Kgs”get it kgs hahahaha.well see you at home even through i can’t see you.Wait who am i talking to?The next day.Well near.It is night and looks like my mother is dead in her room.No wonder they call this Xmas.The time of death!We are the only survivors and the police arrive in a day to pick us up.Also they said that Toby is dead as well.If we all survive then we live but that is a low chance.They are hiding is the light thinking that it is a monster.Imagination.Well i do feel like we are going to end up like our parents.But let's all sleep in a bundle.Maybe that’s how we can survive.Maybe that’s how they died.Well next day is coming and hopefully i do not go.There next day of the survival.I feel dizzy and so do they.We woke up in a van that seems to be a police van.Well luckily we had lived and if i was dead then i don’t know if i wake up in heaven or just see black.That is why i do not want to die.Chance of darkness is 50% and 50% to wake up in heaven.This is great.I get to live another day with my brother and my cousins.And that is the story of me having a bad christmas with my family.It was a bloody night or 3 bloody nights.

Fast Forward Series 2.

Today i will do how many hours it will be till 2100

Times!How many leap years?

20 leap years.
This will be on the first January 2020

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


This is based from last year but i'll post it.We did a challenge with Mrs. Collins .It was a challenge with marshmallows and sticks.It was on draft so it wasn't published.I don't got a photo.But we made a marshmallow tower with sticks through it.Just two marshmallows on each other with a bunch of sticks in it.Not that good but we were proud.Those marshmallows are big!(Team:Krista,me and sione)If that's how you spell his name.(Idk)The little one.              

Baby rap 4.Crime scene.

Baby crime.
Out of time.
Stealing all lemons and limes.
You will always feel there signs.
As you are a different kind.
Got to move.
They improve.
Here they are now were all doomed.
Hey nice life say goodbye.
As you see all stores die.
I think i am gonna cry.
C'mon babies tell me why.
Every time is a sigh.
This all has to be lie.
Look there oh my oh my,
This all the baby crimes.

This is supposed to be in the 2nd baby rap.

Auckland zoo habitats

This is the animal habitat slide show i did about the animals.We had to do the animals at the zoo and we could only pick 3 animals for it.My best habitat is the elephant and the meerkat cause they have what they need to survive.

Fast forwarding time to 2050.

I am back to do math.Today i am doing a fast forward series.
No help from the internet.How many leap years?

12 leap years in 2000 but it is actually 7 leap years cause 2020.


23 normal years.



Add 2 and 408395.

1st january 2050.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

How many days it has been since calender's came out!

Wow early post.Well 365 per year so first i'll times the leap years.

4x5=20(5 leap years)
4x500=2000(500 leap years)

Add:505 leap years.


1715 years are normal.366 per leap year.Now go.



184,830+625,975=810,805.This is to 1st january 2020.Dab.

How many hours it has been since the day calender's came out.

0 to 2020.

2020 split to 2000 and 20.24 hours per day so i'll be using timetables.split 24 to 20 and 4.Got it?Good.
start simple.(i did this in my mind)


add=48480.That will be on the first of january 2020. 

lets do 2021

Add:485004No need to check.Dab!

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The rat that was hungry

Once there was a rat that was hungry and really hungry.The neighbors did not like rats so they put a mouse trap and a piece of cheese on top carefully so it wont go off.The rat got  the smell of the cheese and went to the it.He found that there was a cheese on a mouse trap.Surely they don’t think he’s a mouse so he came up with a plan.He would grab a piece of rope and tie it on a table and go down to grab the cheese and that’s what he did,but then from out of nowhere the neighbors came in through the door.The rat retreated and went behind the table leg.They did not see him so they went back out.He had to climb back up and try again.This time they did not come in and so he grabbed the cheese and tryed to go up.The cheese was too heavy so he had to swing and get it on the floor.It was successful.But when he took a bite they came back in.They were spieing all this time.Luckily the rat had escaped.

How to not be a bully!

I will not use a cloud.Instead numbers!It’s kind of like an explanation but it is good!

What  You Shouldn’t Do!

1:Don’t hurt people.

2:Never say rude words to other people.

3:Not hitting your friends.

4:Don’t make people angry.

5:Don't make people sad.

6:Don’t make them depressed.(I got that).

7:Don’t fight.

8:Don’t push.

9:Never talk rudely.


What You Should Do!

1:Be nice to other people.

2:Keep your words in your head.

3:Keep your hands to yourself.

4:Keep your legs to yourself.

5:Always help people in need.

6:If you see people that are hurt, help them out instead of hurting them more.

7:Care for eachother.

8:Share your things.

9:Always ask nicely.


Title:How To Not Be A Bully!

Introduction:If you are nice then people around you will be nice. To youThey will play with you.Talk to you,even be your friend.But if you are a bully no one will do that.So lets learn on how to not be a bully!



Step1:Never say bad words.Always keep them in your head.Instead say nice things.

Ex1:You look nice.

Step2:Never hurt you piers.They might fight back.Instead keep your hands and feet to yourself (includes legs).

Ex2:This is a leg and arm!         _____ arm       I leg!

Step3:Always care for each other.If you don’t then they will get hurt.

Ex3:The F is your friend.B is the Bully.Y is you.B: you weakling i can beat you up.

F: please don’t.Y: I won't let that happen.

Step4:Never make people angry and sad.Might make them depressed.

Ex4:Y: Ha you suck:F:*Crying in rage*.Never do that or other bad words.

Y: Your painting is ugly.F: *Crying*.

Step5: Always help people that are hurt instead of hurting them more.

Ex5: F: *crying cause he is hurt*.Y:It’s ok my friend.Lets go somewhere else.F: ok *still crying in tears*Thank you.If you help someone in need you get rewarded.

Step6:Never hurt you best mates.They might turn the other way and not be your friend anymore.You don’t want that to happen.

Ex6: Y:*Hitting you friend*.F:*crying*.Never hit your friend and he/she is still your friend.

Step7: Always share your things.You might not have a friend ever.Everyone wants a friend right?

Ex7:Y Here have my toy car.F: Thank you.You also get their things too.

Step8::Always talk nice.If you talk rude you get See you got the same words back.Lets try nice words.Y: You look nice.F:Thanks you too.See it is different.


Now do you know how to not be a bully?

Well I hope this has taught you how to not be a bully.

If you are, maybe change and you get more friends.

Remember these steps.

My Fat Cat

What this is?This is a embarrassing video of me and Ray doing a poem named My Fat Cat.I am with the long hair.

Lake Wanaka Report


Lake Wanaka is the fourth biggest lake in New -Zealand.Lake Wanaka is located in Otago, a region of New Zealand.It’s at an altitude of 278 covering an area of 192 kilometers(72 square meters). Lake Wanaka is 300 meters (980 foot deep).Its name is a corruption of the Maori word oanake (the place of Anaka a local tribal chief) A town near the foot of Lake Wanaka is also named after the lake. Lake Wanaka lies in the heart of Otago lakes in the lower part of the South Island of New Zealand.The town ship is situated near a glacier.

Carved base basin on the shores of the lake and its gateway to mt aspiring national park.lake hawea is a 15 minute away drive,en route to the frontier town of makarora,the last stop before the last west coast glacier region.To the south is the historic cardrona valley,a popular scenic aplin route to neighbouring queenstown.As its greatest extent,which is roughly along a north south axis,the lake is 42 kilometers long.Its widest point,at the southern end is 10 kilometers.The lakes western 

Shore is lined up with high peaks rising  over 2000 meters above the sea level.Along the eastern shore the land is also mountains,but the peaks are somewhat lower.Lake wanaka lies in a u shaped valley formed by glacier erosion during the last ice age.More than 10,0000 years ago.It is fed by the Matukituki of Makarora rivers and is the source of the clutha river.Nearby lake Hawea lies in a parallel valley carved by a neighbouring glacier,8 kilometers

To the east.At their closest point(A rocky righe named the neck)the lakes are only 100 meters apart.Small islands towards the foot of the lake lake includes Ruby island stevensons island and harwich island.Some  ecological host sanctuaries,such as one for buff weka on  stevensons island.The town of wanaka and albert town are near the out flow into the clutha river.For Maori,the wanaka area was a natural crossover,The haast pass gave access to the west coast and it’s pounamu;

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Horse acrostic poem

Oh their ponies,
Riding one,
Sleeping with one,
Every day and night.


No not that,

Even not that,
Losing confidence,
Oh i know,
Pieces together,
Elven the antelope.

Camel acrostic poem

Camels are in India,
Also they have one hump,
My camel is sad,
Everyday i feed him,
Losing all my food.

Whale acrostic poem

Even whales.


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Jelly fish acrostic poem

Leaving marks,
Leaving stings,
You will be in pain.

Fish is different,
It will be terrifying,
So hide,
Hide and prey.

Octopus acrostic poem

Comes here,
To the water,
Over the rocks,
Putting its tentacles on its prey,
Under the rock,
So they hide.

Rat acrostic poem.

Rats are nasty,
Always nasty,
Till they sleep.

Mouse acrostic poem

My mouse
Over the rock
Under the log
Sleeping in the cage
Eating some cheese


Sea cucumber

Sea cucumbers
Eating with there mouth
Also pooping

Cucumbers are veges
Understand they are not veges
Cucumbers are like slugs
Unlike others
Members of there kind can be different
Be careful
Eat them carefully
Read the message

Don't eat them!

Coral acrostic poem

Corals are in the sea
Over the rocks
Rivers and lakes
And the ocean
Liking the current.

Sway sway!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Swans Acrostic poem

Swans making a 2
What i sight
And look over there
Nice swans making a heart
So nice and lovely

that 2 is a swan.And that one.

Goose acrostic poem

Over there
Some gooses
Every where

Are they swans?Good idea for the next!

The change

The change is that nope i sticking to acrostic poems.
maybe i will change when i run out of idea's.
Plus that won't happen.
I got the internet.
The saver.
but i am sure i will run out.
Stay safe.Don't eat that much junk since their open to the public.
Stay safe and thank you for seeing this.

Panda acrostic poem

And the bamboo
No one else
Due to the danger
And the bamboo

Kung Fu Panda!
You watched that yet?
Check it out.

Shells acrostic poem

Help them,
Eating them ain't good,
Leave shells,
Leave them,

So they live in peace.



Eating plants,
Leaving trails,
Kick fighting.


Fox acrostic poem

Xox fox


Starfish acrostic poem

Star fish,
The star of the sea,
And eating the oysters,
Running over the shell,
Fastly sliding,
It can grip its prey,
So it can not escape,
How do you do that.


Seas lion,
Eating the fish,
And sitting on ice.

Lying down,
In a hole,
Oh no,


Seals acrostic poem

Seals are cute,
Everyday they hunt,
And taking naps,
Long days and nights,
Sitting on ice.


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Sheep acrostic poem

Sheep go beep,
Heaps go ba,
Every night,
Peace and quiet.

Little bow peep lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them.I took them.There my words!Hahahahaha!

Ox acrostic poem.The shortest!

Over the savanna,
Xs rule.

Boring oxs.Boring!

Deer acrostic poem

Deer oh deer
Every time
Rickiting figiting with each other

Deer oh Deer

Goat acrostic poem

Gg to goat
All day long he eats my boot
Till its gone

Me:whats going on here.Goat:Blreakfist.HAhahaha

Owl acrostic poem

Owl a nocturnal kind
We were in the forest
Lying to go to sleep

A trick for you.
Some one is possessed by an owl.Bud says hoo.Ya we don't haaaaaaa.Owls say hoo.hahahahaha.You might say hoo was that.Hahahahaha

Tree snatcher

Out from the tree,
A snatcher crawls out,
Catching its prey ,
wearing it out,
eating it till its dead.

I don't to bee a insect.Hahahahaha.Bees are insects.

Earth acrostic poem

Earth is our planet,
All the land is now our home,
Riding the water,
To the end,
How are we gonna there?

Ya how?

Anzac acrostic poem

All the soldiers going to war,
Never giving up,
Zooming through battle,
All the soldiers risking their lives,
Come back home.

should had done this on 24th.

Monster acrostic poem

Oh no
No way
So big
Till today
Everyone is

Silly.Moonster!Boo!or Roar!

Wanted moonster

Friday, April 24, 2020

Tiger acrostic poem

Till it gets there
It pounces on its prey
Going back to home
Eating the meat
Ripping it to shreds



Go check out scratch
Here is the link
and this time it is true
don't look down
this page

scratch hee thats a trick
its this one



not again

it was a trick hahahahaha. Oh you did not fall for it

Hornets Acrostic poem

Having babies.
Over the day.
Runs with it's wings?
No one hornets bigger than giant hornet
Eating little ants and spiders.
Telling people to stay away.

So they can protect them selves,


A thanks to my teacher Mr. Botha for making me do blogging

Thank you Mr Botha i really appreciate what you done for me and i like to thank all who as supported me on this blog.Mr Botha you are one of the greatest teachers i ever had.Thank you for taking care of me at school and making me do blogging every day.Thank you for bringing up acrostic poems as well.I wouldn't have had 73 blog posts with out you.Have a nice day and stay safe and thats to all who is seeing this.Thank you Mr Botha!

Wasps acrostic poem

Were are you wasps
Are you here,are you there
So i looked in the car
Pore me,wasps every where
Soon they will take my car.):

sad face-):

Beetles acrostic poem

Being noisy,
Eating your food,
Every day beetles are rude,
Till it is night crickets have to cricket,
Lying in my bed is a beetle,
Eating my sheet,
So i wacked it off to go to sleep.

73rd party time

I am so happy because i have 73 blog posts.I know you don't care but bloggings fun.You should blog over 5 a day.You can do anything but not rude stuff now its time for me to celebrate bye.(now i got 74)

breaking news about blog 3rd time!

ON march the 30th i will change my poems to poems.Which mean acrostic to normal.Stay safe.Wash hands.Stay clean and thank you for seeing this.

My link to my game


its fun just click here
dont scroll down
i beg you

no further



stop here

no more

it was a trick haha you fool sorry you did not fall for it.How?