
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

NASA Edition Coloring Book Picture


Today for our cyber smart lesson we did another coloring book image. We got to choose which one we do like always and went along as ordinary. This is my image I colored and tried to make it as close as possible to the original. A computer generated a scene which gave the point of view of a space crew member looking out the cupola looking towards earth. It looks cool and I'd say i'm proud of it though it is simple. I hope you liked this post :D.

A week in the life of Ocean C. at Ruapotaka

21st Monday November Week 6 

After school: 
I actually don't know if your school gives out free milk but all I can say is that Ruapotaka School does. As usual we are doing our little routine of packing up our classroom and getting ourselves ready to go home a what seemed to be box with milk sitting on a white tabletop where our cleaning and stationary supplies stayed. Turns out we got to take the milk home and to our surprise the milk was PAST it's best before date. Our teacher advised that the milk was still good to drink but make sure you drink it when it is nice and cold. We had a nice little warning sign there. I wanted to take 2 maybe to see if my mother would accept whats given. My little sister had gotten 1 afterwards in her class. For all I know though is my mother ain't accepting that again...

22nd Tuesday November Week 6

Middle block:

A ordinary day was planned for us like always with our cyber smart teacher Mr. Goodwin came in but on our google meet call. We call had to join but stay away from each other so our devices won't put words back and forth creating a harsh screeching noise. What Mr. Goodwin had presented was a task from our summer learning journey SLJ. It was a coloring book and most likely our first task of SLJ. We all were coloring our own pictures and some did the same but myself and renei, my friend worked as a team. Sorry I can't show the picture because I didn't download it. We all presented our work and gotten nice compliments. Sure was fun to be back wit Mr. Goodwin and do something most of us liked.

23rd Wednesday November Week 6


Hard materials. I'd say that time was my very first time I've been to my tech class in ages. A abundance of foam was sent to us along with a rubber band and a paper with our names on it. We were making masks for our learning and we could make it anything. Our teacher Mr. Grundy was showing us how to make the mask. The weird part was making the paper pattern because your shoving a piece of paper in your face.
Apparently we were only making the paper and turns out i make a mask without the nose piece. People seemed to like it though as it looked very funny. I tried making a funny mask but people said it looked like a batman mask. That makes me happy.

25th Friday November Week 6

Morning baking!!!:

Here's something we don't always get to do only if we have the time out of learning. Lolly cake was what we were baking or others were baking because me and my friend was chilling in our seats. I bet they think we helped with 50% of the recipe 0_0 . I helped with crushing the Malt biscuits and turned them into crumbs and from where I was I saw my friends Renei and Malachi was cutting marshmallow styled lollies into thirds and sixths and once they were done they put them into the crumbs and rolled it up into a log and rolled the log in coconut. I don't remember what type. I actually don't know what they did for the apple cake but it was good :D.

Same day: Water slide

Me and Sunny was waiting in the staff room for our teacher Mr. N. Our neighbor room 1 and our class went to the water slide. Unfortunately we and Sunny didn't want to go. When Mr. N came in he offered us cards. A card game of Monopoly DEAL and basic cards. We chose to play DEAL. It was complicated indeed as we sat in the grass wondering how to play. We had to get help from Mr. N then we got the basics down then we could start playing. We got a small group of people of 1 watching us and it was room 1's teaching Mrs. Cardoza! It feels nice to have a person watching and nice to see Sunny win. He was hesitant about the match but he won in the end. He even called it! We went back got the lolly cake and the apple cake and went home.

End credits is don't read the whole thing but i suggest reading Morning baking and when we was coloring with Mr. Goodwin. I hope you are having a wonderful day reader and I hope you enjoyed :D.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Back to school article by Ocean

After what felt like years of being in lockdown, many schools were allowed to reopen and welcome back the children to school. Days, weeks and months went by and some never noticed. The downside to this is that school is not going to be normal like in the past. We have to abide by the rules that have been given to us by the government to stay safe. A majority of people (including myself) have been waiting for this day to come by and knock on our doorsteps, waiting for an answer.

It won't be the school time we used to know but we are still grateful for the day. Teachers are eager to see the smiles upon their students faces as they return to class. People are extremely excited and dedicated to be back at school and to see their long known friends. Finally we can now interact without the need of a device nor a screen. 

You will hear happiness in the air and see the joy within their hearts. Teachers giving their students a warm welcome. 

This is an article and description created by Ocean C. The reason why it felt like a story is because I feel inspired by a YouTuber named Evan McGaming. He makes Minecraft stories sound interesting, like how a professional writer will use distinct words. I try to make it how his stories would sound because it sounds good.

Article by Ocean C. 

:D Have a good day thank you reader.

Hey Ocean! Excellent read, love the perspective you have told this from. Very emotive and captures the moods of gratitude, care and happiness. I like that little description in italics as well, that's a good nod of acknowledgement to your source for writing inspiration. I think Evan would be happy to read this. Little edits for accurate grammar made. Add labels and a DLO, last proofread and publish. Mr N, 18.11.21, 12.23pm