
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Back to school article by Ocean

After what felt like years of being in lockdown, many schools were allowed to reopen and welcome back the children to school. Days, weeks and months went by and some never noticed. The downside to this is that school is not going to be normal like in the past. We have to abide by the rules that have been given to us by the government to stay safe. A majority of people (including myself) have been waiting for this day to come by and knock on our doorsteps, waiting for an answer.

It won't be the school time we used to know but we are still grateful for the day. Teachers are eager to see the smiles upon their students faces as they return to class. People are extremely excited and dedicated to be back at school and to see their long known friends. Finally we can now interact without the need of a device nor a screen. 

You will hear happiness in the air and see the joy within their hearts. Teachers giving their students a warm welcome. 

This is an article and description created by Ocean C. The reason why it felt like a story is because I feel inspired by a YouTuber named Evan McGaming. He makes Minecraft stories sound interesting, like how a professional writer will use distinct words. I try to make it how his stories would sound because it sounds good.

Article by Ocean C. 

:D Have a good day thank you reader.

Hey Ocean! Excellent read, love the perspective you have told this from. Very emotive and captures the moods of gratitude, care and happiness. I like that little description in italics as well, that's a good nod of acknowledgement to your source for writing inspiration. I think Evan would be happy to read this. Little edits for accurate grammar made. Add labels and a DLO, last proofread and publish. Mr N, 18.11.21, 12.23pm

1 comment:

  1. Hii Ocean,
    Nice to see that you are going back to school, hope you are doing well in school. When lock down finished down here, I was so happy to see my friends. I like how you add that you have to follow the rules to keep you guys safe. Hope you are doing well!
    Kind regards


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